RTUs: Repair or Replaceā€¦ or Enhance?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Online Course


Duration: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Packaged roof top units (RTUs) are used to easily and effectively heat and cool more than 50% of all commercial buildings, but how long do they last out in the environment in the northern climates? Should you spend money to repair one when it finally fails or should you replace it with a new unit? Or should replace it before it fails? Are there ways to save energy on the existing or the new unit? This course will use proven methods and easy to use (and free) software tools help to quantify the economic value of a repair, a new unit, or an energy conservation measure. OPTIONAL: PLEASE BRING YOUR LAPTOP TO CLASS TO INSTALL AND RUN THESE SOFTWARE TOOLS. Learning Objectives: As a result of this training, participants will be able to: 1. Install and use free software to analyze the economics of RTU replacements and improvements 2. Understand AHRI efficiency ratings for packaged RTUs 3. Know the RTU related requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2015 & 2018, which are the current codes in Wisconsin, Illinois, and other states 4. Select the appropriate RTU controls and accessories to maximize performance and efficiency 5. Be able to describe technologies such as economizers, demand controlled ventilation, staged air volume, and energy recovery ventilation

Remaining Seats: 0

Price: $150.00


The following applicable discounts are calculated after intitial registration.

Class: $75.00 Off

Early Bird: $0.00 Off

Multiple Student: $0.00 Off

CEU Hours
Image (FAD: Bryant/Distributor) 4.00
Image (FAD: Carrier/Distributor) 4.00
Image (PE PDH) 8.00
Ryan Hoger

This class has been closed for registration.

TEC Training Questions? (708) 418-7799